7 Time-tested Benefits of using Social Media for Your Business

I know you are wondering, where do they get the authority to tell me what to choose or what is good for my business.

Well, first we would like to assure you based on statistical data. Did you know precisely 4 billion people globally (18 million in Uganda) prefer to receive news and information via the internet and most of us even you look for answers to queries using the internet be it Google or a Facebook search?

According to the Marketing-Schools Traditional marketing is a rather broad category that incorporates many forms of advertising and marketing. It’s the most recognizable types of marketing, encompassing the advertisements that we see and hear every day. Most traditional marketing strategies fall under one of four categories: print, broadcast, direct mail, and telephone.

Digital marketing, on the other hand: is the marketing of products and services using electronic devices and the internet whilst creating meaningful and satisfying relationships with customers using Analytics to tie it all together and calculate the all-important return on investment (ROI).

Now that you can draw a line between the two, choosing whether to use traditional marketing means or digital means for your business growth can be a tricky spot to be in, therefore, this guide is to help you when making that decision.

1. Affordability

Consider traditional advertisement in the form of Radio Ads and TV ads. For television ads during prime time cost around 1,000,000 for just a one minute video and mind you this is shown to all audiences regardless of or likes and preferences. With digital advertising, however, your advertisement is shown to only those in your service area and at a cheaper cost over a longer period of time ensuring more visibility and reach and an affordable price.

2. Local and Global Reach

A company looking to ensure visibility and brand awareness using traditional means say TV Ads or Radio mentions or Print media. This will suffice locally. On the other hand, online advertisements will go a long way for the brand to be seen locally and globally without extra costs.

3. Real-time interaction

Traditional marketing is a one-way street i.e when a business puts out a piece of content, be it a banner ad, radio ad or Television Ad, you can not have quick access to feedback. Whereas with digital is all about interaction and building communities between you and your customers and prospects. With this interaction, you will be able to analyze their sentiment towards your brand. (People are more outspoken and frank online.)

4. Enhanced customer service

42% of customers expect a response from a business in less than an hour With traditional marketing, a business would have to set up a customer care team to handle these issues. Social media takes away the need to have a 24 customer care since any member of your current team can respond to these issues anytime and anywhere.

5. Customer engagement and royalty

Customer engagement is driven by like-ability, trust, price, and convenience. This shows that the reputation and value offered by a brand influence customers’ choices. While traditional has gone a long way, digital marketing ensures your brand interacts with customers in real-time answering their queries and offering solutions to the problems. These great experiences transform one time customers to loyal fans of your brand.

6. Targeted advertising

Advertising in the form of Radio, TV or Newspaper Ad has proved brand reach but the only problem is that your Ad will be seen by all people regardless of age, gender or financial status. Wherewith online advertising, your ads are targeted only to those that fit in your buyer personas thereby increasing the chances of conversions.

7. Measuring Return on Investment

When making business decisions, no matter the size of the business, one of the key factors considered is the return on investment (ROI). With traditional marketing its next to impossible to measure how many people have come to your business from the advertisement made. With online marketing, however, more so pay per click ads (PPC) business is able to measure say who have booked an appointment to your business from the advertisement online.
With digital marketing, there is analytics for all kinds of channels of marketing which means you can measure all that is happening with your brand out there.

The world (customers) is more digital than ever before and most of your current buyers are online. Engaging with them on social media will, therefore, prove to be a worthwhile investment.

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